All our staff are fully trained and AS/NZS 4308:2008 certified to conduct both laboratory and onsite drug tests and we can arrange to come to your worksite to undertake drug testing if required.
Employers, under the Health and Safety Act 1992, must take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of all their employees and customers.
A  person under the influence of unlawful drugs or alcohol at work maybe a risk to themselves, co-workers or third parties e.g. visitors or young people.
Drug tests are conducting for the following reasons:
- At a Pre-employment Medical Assessment to ascertain their current health/drug status
- Following an incident/accident “Post incident” Â to confirm to rule out drugs/alcohol as causation
- On suspicious behavior “Reasonable Cause” to confirm or rule out drugs/alcohol as an issue
- Random testing, conducting on a irregular basis on “at risk” staff or staff in sensitive areas of your workplace
Protect your staff, protect your business!