New Zealand

We belong to the onshore Panel Physician Network for completing Immigration New Zealand eMedical Examinations

  • Over 10 years experience in NZ Immigration Medicals
  • Our physicians and staff have extensive experience with the eMedical system now being used by NZ Immigration Services
  • We make the entire process streamlined and hassle free for you
  • We will take your Blood Tests.  Chest Xray – Please phone and arrange your own chest x-ray appointment if required with Pacific Radiology (04 978 5500) or Horizon Radiology (04 801 8527) 45 minutes after your medical with this clinic.
  • We aim to have your medical submitted to the NZ Immigration with 2-3 working days
  • We complete your eMedical registration and take your photo at no extra cost

If you require further health information on your Visa Application please go to NZ Immigration’s site:

Make an appointment

Frequently Asked Questions

How much will it cost?

General Medicals including blood test: (INZ1007)

Adult               $400.00

Student           $395.00

Child                $190.00  (Under 15 – without blood tests)

Adults 70+     $430.00 (including extra cost for mini mental exam – brain function test)

Admin Fee     $30.00

Limited Medicals including blood tests: (INZ1201)

Adult                $280.00

Child                $180.00 (Under 15 – without blood tests)

Chest X-ray only (not included with a Medical): (INZ1201)

Chest X-ray     $150.00 – $195.00 (an appointment will be booked for you at Pacific Radiology or Wellington Imaging)

X-Ray referral $60.00

Other Services

Review between $89.00 and $210.00 for consultation.

Specialist Referral $120.00

Drivers Medical $149.00

* All Medicals will incur an admin fee of $30.00

*Additional prices may apply if there are abnormal clinical findings and further investigations are necessary.

* All prices are inclusive of GST at 15%      

* Prices may be subject to change without notice


Which medical certificate do I complete?

You must have the General Medical  if one of the following applies to you:

  • you are applying for a temporary entry class visa for New Zealand and you intend to stay longer than 12 months
  • you are applying for residence, unless you are a person who must use the Limited Medical Certificate (INZ 1201).

You must have the Limited Medical  if one of the following applies to you:

  • you are the partner of a New Zealand citizen or resident and you meet the requirements of the Partnership Category, which includes having lived together with your partner for 12 months or more in a partnership which is genuine and stable (your dependent children, if any, should also use this certificate)
  • you are the dependent child of a New Zealand citizen or resident
  • you are a person (or the partner or dependent child of a person) who has been recognised as having refugee or protection status in New Zealand.
  • *You must not use this certificate if you are applying for a visa as the partner or dependent child of a New Zealand citizen or resident and you were not included in, or were withdrawn from the earlier residence application made by your partner or parent. If this situation applies to you, you must use the General Medical Certificate (INZ 1007).

You must have a Chest X-ray  if:

  • you are applying for residence, or
  • you are applying for a temporary entry class visa and you intend to stay longer than 12 months,
  • you are applying for a temporary entry class visa and you intend to stay between six to 12 months and you are from, or have visited, a place that is not on Immigration New Zealand’s list of countries, areas and territories with a low incidence of tuberculosis (TB). The NZ Immigration website’s  Countries with Low Risk of TB Incidences has more details and includes the full list.

Children under 11 years of age and women who are pregnant are not required to undergo a chest X-ray examination unless requested by INZ.


What tests do I need?
  Examination by Doctor Urine Test Chest X-ray Blood Test Breast Screening (woman only)
0 – 4 years x        
5 – 10 years x x      
11 – 14 years x x x    
15 years and older x x x x  
Over 45 years x x x x x

What happens with my X-ray and Blood Tests?

Your x-ray can be completed at any Pacific Radiology  or Horizon Radiology location in the Wellington region and we will book an appointment for you.

Your blood tests will be completed at our clinic.

How long will my medical appointment take?

Generally the medical examination and blood tests will take 30-45 minute with the chest x-ray taking a further 15 minutes, however complications with the medical may extend that time.

How long will it take to submit the medical?

We endeavour to submit your medical electronically within 2-3 working days unless  there are  complications with the medical or test results.  Where there are complications we will contact you to come in and see the doctor to discuss these further.

How do I prepare for my Medical?
  • If you are mildly unwell or on a short course of antibiotics, wait until you are better before having your medical examination
  • Do not have alcohol or high fat meals 48 hours before your blood tests
  • Do not consume kava for 48 hours before your blood tests
  • You can eat and drink as normal prior to your medical (please do not fast)


Do not have your medical examination during your period (menstruation) because blood may affect the results. Wait until your period is finished before you have your immigration medical assessment.

Women over 45 years of age will need to have a breast examination. If you prefer you can submit a breast examination report from a breast specialist or submit a breast ultrasound scan, MRI scan or mammogram no more than 6 months old.

What do I bring?

Your valid passport – this is Immigration New Zealand’s primary and preferred form of identification, however, the following identity documents are acceptable evidence of identity for your health examination if you are unable to provide a passport:

  • Certificate of identity
  • Refugee Travel document
  • National Identity Card with photo – please refer to NZ Immigration website for further information on this.

A list of all medication including drug name and dosage, all medical notes and reports which are relevant to your health

Your glasses (spectacles) or contact lenses if you use them

You can bring a family member or support person with you to the examination.

If you do not understand English you must bring an independent interpreter with you to the medical examination.

What to expect from the Immigration Medical Examination?

There are 3 parts to the immigration medical examination:

  1. Medical History and Physical Examination
  2. Urine and Blood Tests
  3. Chest X-ray

The physician will complete the physical examination; he or she will check height, weight, mental state, hearing and vision, listen to heart, lungs, feel your abdomen and check your reflexes, power and the rest of your nervous system.

We generally see people individually, although children under 19 years are required to be seen with a parent, and interpreters can be required.

You may need to remove some items of clothing for the physical examination; we recommend you wear loose clothes.

Some parts of the examination may be completed by a nurse or health care assistance.

You will need to provide a urine sample during the medical examination

You will be referred on to get the blood test and chest x-ray and possibly some other tests if clinically necessary.

What happens afterwards?

Your physician has to wait for your blood test results and your chest x-ray to be submitted before they can submit your medical to NZ Immigration

The medical is completed and submitted only when all the tests results and specialist reports have been completed and the physicians has completed all sections of the medical. The medical will then be submitted electronically to NZ Immigration and you will receive an confirmation email advising this.

The medical information will be assessed by NZ Immigration and possibly by one of their medical assessors.